What product is formed by this reaction:

H2 + (CH)2

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1 year ago

To determine the product formed by the reaction of H2 with (CH)2, we first need to determine the chemical formula of (CH)2. "(CH)2" suggests that there are two carbon atoms bonded together. The "H" in brackets likely indicates that there are hydrogen atoms attached to these carbon atoms. Therefore, the chemical formula can be written as C2H4.

Now, let's consider the reaction: H2 + C2H4. This is an example of a combination reaction, in which two reactants combine to form a product. In this case, hydrogen gas (H2) reacts with ethene (C2H4).

The reaction between H2 and C2H4 forms ethane, which has the chemical formula C2H6. This reaction is known as a hydrogenation reaction, in which hydrogen is added to a molecule.

So, the product formed by the reaction of H2 with (CH)2 (or C2H4) is ethane (C2H6).