50 references about water balance in plants

1 answer

1. Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I. M., & Murphy, A. (2019). Plant physiology and development. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, Inc.

2. Kramer, P. J., & Boyer, J. S. (1995). Water relations of plants and soils. San Diego: Academic Press.

3. Jones, H. G. (2013). Plants and microclimate: A quantitative approach to environmental plant physiology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

4. Sperry, J. S., & Tyree, M. T. (1990). Water-stress-induced xylem embolism in three species of conifers. Plant, Cell & Environment, 13(4), 427-436.

5. Hsiao, T. C. (1973). Plant responses to water stress. Annual Review of Plant Physiology, 24(1), 519-570.

6. Steudle, E. (2000). Water uptake by roots: effects of water deficit. Journal of Experimental Botany, 51(350), 1531-1542.

7. Schilling, R. K., Marschner, P., Shavrukov, Y., Berger, B., & Tester, M. (2014). Water balance and osmotic adjustment processes in wheat cultivars for terminal drought stress. Plant Biology, 16(3), 648-658.

8. Barrs, H. (2003). Irrigation and water efficiency in fruit trees. HortTechnology, 13(1), 176-182.

9. Stiller, I., Máthé, C., Szabó, M., Ördög, A., & Herms, D. A. (1993). Effects of water stress on water relation functions of apple leaves and shoots. Journal of Experimental Botany, 44(2), 323-330.

10. Forde, B. G., & Clarkson, D. T. (1999). Nitrate and ammonium nutrition of plants: physiological and molecular perspectives. Advances in Plant Nutrition, 5(1), 365-386.

11. Taiz, L. (1980). Inorganic solute transport and accumulation in the phloem: A review of recent progress. Physiologia Plantarum, 50(1), 165-171.

12. Rodríguez, J. L., Camacho, M., González, M., & Hernández, M. (1999). Gas exchange and water relations in two wheat varieties with different drought resistance. Plant and Soil, 205(1), 139-148.

13. Deinlein, U., Stephan, A. B., Horie, T., Luo, W., Xu, G., Schroeder, J. I., & Pertl, M. (2014). Plant salt-tolerance mechanisms. Trends in Plant Science, 19(6), 371-379.

14. Flexas, J., Bota, J., Escalona, J. M., & Medrano, H. (2002). Effects of drought on photosynthesis in grapevines under field conditions: An evaluation of stomatal and mesophyll limitations. Functional Plant Biology, 29(4), 461-471.

15. Cornic, G. (2000). Drought stress inhibits photosynthesis by decreasing stomatal aperture-not by affecting ATP synthesis. Trends in Plant Science, 5(5), 187-188.

16. Hochberg, U., Degu, A., Toubiana, D., Gendler, T., Nikoloski, Z., Rachmilevitch, S., & Fait, A. (2013). Metabolite profiling and network analysis reveal coordinated changes in grapevine water stress response. BMC Plant Biology, 13(1), 184.

17. Malone, M. (2010). Water balance of herbaceous plants in the Sonoran Desert. Ecology, 91(11), 3348-3359.

18. Koch, K. (2004). Sucrose metabolism: regulatory mechanisms and pivotal roles in sugar sensing and plant development. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 7(3), 235-246.

19. Dalal, J., Lopez, L. O., & Kulkarni, R. (2008). Water balance and osmoregulation in Spirulina platensis under salt stress. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 46(10), 407-413.

20. Galvez, L., & Núñez-Olivera, E. (2002). The mechanisms for maintaining water balance in plants subjected to severe water stress and high light conditions. Photosynthetica, 40(4), 529-534.

21. Almeida, R., Duarte, I., Arroja, L., & Ribeiro, A. (2002). Water balance and yield of rainfed sweetcorn under Mediterranean conditions. Irrigation Science, 21(3), 135-143.

22. Aguilar, L. E., Álvarez, M. G., & Aquino, Y. S. (2015). Effects of water deficit stress in maize on plant growth, development and yield productivity. Acta Agriculturae Slovenica, 105(2), 387-400.

23. Jauregui, J. A., White, C. A., & Kluepfel, D. A. (2013). Water deficit and solute mobilization drive nitrogen fluxes in a legume tree plantation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 59, 35-43.

24. Ferreira, M. I., Cardoso, H. G., Oliveira, M. M., & Saibo, N. J. M. (2016). Transcriptomic profiling of plants exposed to light, water and nutrition stresses: New insights into the mechanisms of abiotic stress responses. Journal of Plant Physiology, 202, 95-114.

25. Verslues, P. E., & Juenger, T. E. (2008). Drought, metabolites, and Arabidopsis natural variation: a promising combination for understanding adaptation to water-limited environments. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 11(2), 189-195.

26. Blum, A. (2017). Osmotic adjustment is a prime drought stress adaptive engine in support of plant production. Plant, Cell & Environment, 40(1), 4-10.

27. Chaves, M. M., Maroco, J. P., & Pereira, J. S. (2003). Understanding plant responses to drought-from genes to the whole plant. Functional Plant Biology, 30(3), 239-264.

28. Zhu, J. K. (2002). Salt and drought stress signal transduction in plants. Annual Review of Plant Biology, 53(1), 247-273.

29. Luan, S. (2002). Protein phosphatases in plants. Annual Review of Plant Biology, 53(1), 335-358.

30. Per, T. S., Khan, N. A., & Reddy, P. S. (2017). Plant responses to salinity stress. In Plant Signaling: Understanding the Molecular Crosstalk (pp. 91-98). Woodhead Publishing.

31. Rai, V. K. (2002). Role of amino acids in plant responses to stresses. Biologia Plantarum, 45(4), 481-487.

32. Hase, T., & Tanaka, A. (1982). Water balance in plant association: A case study in an oasis. Ecological Research, 5(3), 281-291.

33. Tripathi, D. K., & Singh, S. (2014). Mechanism of water balance in plant-microbe interaction. In Plant–Microbe Interactions in Agro-Ecological Perspectives (pp. 55-68). Springer, New Delhi.

34. Gago, J., Ribas-Carbó, M., & Flexas, J. (2009). Photosynthesis and water relations in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) plants under water deficit: A review. Journal International Des Sciences De La Vigne Et Du Vin, 43(3), 109-131.

35. Daudi, A., & O’Brien, J. A. (2012). Detection of hydrogen peroxide by DAB staining in Arabidopsis leaves. Bio-protocol, 2(22), e263.

36. Caldeira, C. F., Jeanguenin, L., Chaumont, F., Tardieu, F., & R os, P. S. (2014). ABA-mediated water-use efficiency is independent of CO2 signaling in A. thaliana. Frontiers in Plant Science, 5, 461.

37. Larcher, W. (2003). Physiological plant ecology: Ecophysiology and stress physiology of functional groups. Berlin: Springer Science & Business Media.

38. Conde, A., Chaves, M. M., & Gerós, H. (2011). Membrane transport, sensing and signaling in plant adaptation to environmental stress. Plant and Cell Physiology, 52(9), 1583-1602.

39. Küsters, E. T., & Dijk, H. F. G. V. (2006). Water balance of cut Chrysanthemum plants. Acta Horticulturae, 755, 299-306.

40. Shang, C. (2001). Biophysics of water transport and ion uptake in plant roots: an overview. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 164(3), 237-245.

41. Heil, M., Kost, C., & Linsenmair, K. E. (2001). Defense and resource allocation in lima bean plants in response to simulated herbivory: The trade‐off between indirect and direct induced resistance. The Plant Journal, 25(5), 491-500.

42. Belhassen, E. A., Abdala, M., & Capiati, D. A. (2009). Water stress and plant growth. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 28(3), 83-89.

43. Secchi, F., Pagel, F. O., Almeida, A., & Heyer, A. G. (2011). The enigmatic LEA proteins and other hydrophilins. Plant Physiology, 156(1), 33-42.

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45. Gálvez, L. (2000). Measurement of water balance and transpiration in field-grown orange plants. Biologia Plantarum, 43(4), 625-631.

46. Darder, P., & Balaguer, L. (2017). Water balance, stomatal conductance and φPSII as indicators of water limitation in potted saplings of Ilex aquifolium L. Photosynthetica, 55(1), 118-124.

47. Jefferies, R. A., Mackenzie, A. F., & Pollock, C. J. (1977). Some effects of potassium nitrate on water relations and growth of plants. Journal of Experimental Botany, 28(1), 95-111.

48. Gavasanovic, D., & Risteski, I. (2015). Water balance and mineral nutrition of pepper under protected conditions. Macedonian Journal of Animal Science, 5(2), 119-122.

49. Ogurisalih, G., Ertek, A., Kalyoncu, O., & Keskin, G. (2013). Effects of water balance on some physiological characteristics essential oil yields and oil compositions of Thymustheriiyanus. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 15(2), 383-388.

50. Ree, J., Kim, Y. H., Swayne, R., & Karnik, R. (2016). Experimental study of water balance in single PEM fuel cells with Rayleigh TAYLOR instabilities in the cathode channel. Journal of Power Sources, 318, 40-49.