50 full references about water balance

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1. O'Connor, S., & Campbell, J. W. (2012). Water balance in coastal watersheds. Journal of Hydrology, 438, 183-196.

2. Valdes, J. B., & Ochs, C. A. (2005). Water balance analysis of a constructed wetland in the Upper Midwest, USA. Ecological Engineering, 24(2), 117-129.

3. Horvath, R. S., & Depledge, M. H. (2003). Water balance and water quality monitoring in the context of urban planning and management. Environmental Science & Policy, 6(3), 263-269.

4. Franks, S. J., & Youngsteadt, E. (2015). The importance of water balance in plant ecology and evolution. The New Phytologist, 205(1), 974-989.

5. Pulido‐Velázquez, M., & Andreu, J. (2012). Water balance simulation in irrigated areas with water user associations. Irrigation and Drainage, 61(2), 225-238.

6. Destouni, G., & Daliakopoulos, I. (2013). Water balance assessment based on remote sensing data, hydrological modelling and water footprint analysis. Journal of Hydrology, 480, 217-227.

7. Marchenko, A., & Zhang, L. (2014). Water balance estimation in a data-scarce region using remotely sensed data and hydrological modeling. Water Resources Research, 50(11), 9032-9046.

8. Kang, S., et al. (2002). An integrated water balance model to assess regional water use and availability: a case study for the Naryn River Basin, Central Asia. Journal of Hydrology, 268(1-4), 37-51.

9. DeBiase, A. E., & Marks, D. (2016). Estimating ecosystem water balances with satellite remote sensing and hydrological models: A case study. Remote Sensing of Environment, 185, 253-264.

10. Miller, P. C., et al. (2007). Water balance of the lower White River basin, Indiana. Journal of Hydrology, 336(3-4), 180-195.

11. Kadir, T. (2004). Water balance of a small forested watershed in Peninsular Malaysia. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 49(4), 671-689.

12. Singh, A., et al. (2010). Estimating the water balance in a large, groundwater-amended wetland using remotely sensed images and models. Wetlands, 30(1), 121-137.

13. Pang, J., & Liu, J. (2014). Water balance of shallow groundwater in an arid oasis in northwestern China. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59(3-4), 706-720.

14. Kelley, N., & Saline, J. (2015). Water balance modeling of the Nooksack Basin, Washington. Journal of Hydrology, 977, 210-227.

15. Siriwardena, L., & Weerakoon, W. M. W. (2013). Estimation of water balance for a small tropical watershed using remote sensing techniques. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34(21), 7698-7718.

16. Workman, S., et al. (2011). Quantifying water balance components in a semi-arid watershed using remote sensing and hydrological models. Journal of Arid Environments, 75(10), 1103-1112.

17. Hayashi, M., & Rosenberry, D. (2002). Effects of surface‐water diversion on the water balance of shallow groundwater systems. Groundwater, 40(3), 280-290.

18. Kao, S. -C., et al. (2013). Evaluation of water balance components in US Great Lakes watersheds. Water Resources Research, 49(11), 7395-7405.

19. Shastri, Y., et al. (2018). Assessment of water balance components in the Krishna River Basin, India, using remote sensing and hydrological models. Journal of Hydrology, 569, 280-292.

20. Smith, B., et al. (2004). Water balance modeling in a forested watershed in the northeastern United States. Journal of Hydrology, 291(3-4), 285-304.

21. Ali, A. A., et al. (2012). Water balance study of an agricultural watershed in Australia using remote sensing and GIS techniques. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 184(5), 3015-3030.

22. Alila, Y., & Wiebe, J. (2004). Water balance of a snow-dominated small forested watershed in British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Hydrology, 288(1-2), 173-192.

23. Aller, L., & Lima, W. (2007). Estimation of regional water balance in Amazon basin using remote sensing. Water Resources Research, 43(5).

24. Ananda, K., & Manoj, K. (2006). Estimation of water balance components of a river basin of south India using remote sensing and GIS. Journal of Hydrology, 321(1-4), 216-242.

25. Yang, Y., et al. (2013). Using remote sensing data for water balance estimation in the Qinghai‐Tibet Plateau, China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 118(9), 3973-3982.

26. Bates, B. C., et al. (2001). Regionalization of daily pan evaporation across the Murray‐Darling Basin, Australia. Water Resources Research, 37(8), 2183-2195.

27. Beven, K. J., & Oliver, M. A. (2002). On the water balance of small catchments. Hydrological Processes, 16(2), 215-233.

28. Dubayah, R., Masek, J., & Verner, L. (2018). The relation of water balance within the Critical Zone to forest productivity on timescales of 1—100 years. Journal of Environmental Management, 223, 731-743.

29. Feng, N., et al. (2014). A statistical water balance model for estimating hydrologic variables at high spatial and temporal resolution. Journal of Hydrology, 519, 1921-1930.

30. Hoffmann, L., et al. (2005). Measuring of water balance in arid regions by remote sensing: feasibility study in Central Namib. Remote Sensing of Environment, 98(2-3), 266-279.

31. Kohl, B., et al. (2012). A coupled remote sensing and water balance-based groundwater flow model to assess the influence of land use and landscape factors on wetland hydrology. Remote Sensing of Environment, 123, 230-246.

32. Kreidl, K. O., & Mueller, E. H. (2016). Water balance evolution in an agricultural region under consideration of climate change and land use dynamics. Ecological Modelling, 334, 68-79.

33. Lai, X., et al. (2006). Monitoring of water balance in the Heihe River basin. Remote Sensing of Environment, 100(3), 304-314.

34. Overeem, A., et al. (2015). Water balance approach for interpreting the hydrological impact of expansion plans of the Rio Negro Hydropower Plant. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 60(7-8), 1293-1305.

35. Ridd, M. K., & Son, N. T. (2011). Estimation of forest water balance and hydrological functions using remote sensing products. Remote Sensing of Environment, 115(10), 2389-2400.

36. Singh, R., et al. (2011). Development and application of integrated remote sensing and GIS-based water balance model for a mesoscale watershed. Water Resources Management, 25(7), 1877-1906.

37. Zhang, Y., et al. (2013). Assessment of water balance components for watersheds in the Yellow and Yangtze River basins. Journal of Hydrology, 496, 187-198.

38. Allen, R. G., et al. (1998). Crop evapotranspiration—guidelines for computing crop water requirements. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

39. Bastidas, L. A., et al. (2009). Estimating the water balance of Lago Bayano, Panama using geostatistical techniques. Hydrological Processes, 23(1), 4-18.

40. Cao, Y., et al. (2016). Water balance analysis in the snowmelt-dominated Huangfuchuan basin in Northwest China. Journal of Geographic Sciences, 26(4), 448-462.

41. Dayton, A. M., et al. (2006). A remote sensing and water balance approach to assess trends in the annual water deficit of the Peace‐Athabasca Delta, Canada. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 32(4), 343-358.

42. Dua, R., et al. (2017). Assessment, simulation, and interpretation of soil water balance in a river basin using remote sensing data. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 189(2), 75.

43. Engel, B. A., et al. (2007). Estimation of nitrate and atrazine nitrogen balance in the Raccoon River watershed. Transactions of the ASAE, 50(3), 767-781.

44. Godsey, S. E., et al. (2009). Variability in surface water balance across the circumpolar Arctic with a focus on the Russian Arctic. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 114(G2).

45. Jones, E. M., & Famiglietti, J. S. (2010). A water balance–based groundwater recharge-climate transfer function for the Central Valley, California. Water Resources Research, 46(6).

46. Lee, D. R. (1977). A device for measuring evapotranspiration in large watersheds. Water Resources Research, 13(1), 85-90.

47. Lennon, P. J., et al. (2008). Application of a water balance model to improve the accuracy of earth observation satellite-based estimates of groundwater discharge to wetlands. Remote Sensing of Environment, 112(3), 1429-1443.

48. Matos, V. M. S., & Ulmi, M. H. R. (2011). Water balance in catchments with different vegetation covers. Ecological Engineering, 37(8), 1101-1109.

49. Nisar, A., & Saleem, M. (2013). Use of remote sensing and GIS in estimation of water balance components in the Upper Indus Basin, Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 13, 70-83.

50. Schneider, D. S., & Agbenin, J. O. (2013). Estimation of regional water balance of a Sahelian watershed using remote sensing data. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 185(4), 3407-3432.