The men usually arrived at camp malnourished and hungry, often weighing around 100 pounds due to poor diets, such as Otis Miller's experience of subsisting on just one rabbit a day as a sharecropper. However, upon joining the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), they began to gain weight and improved their nutritional intake, as Otis noted that they gained about 15 pounds each and could enjoy full meals while in camp.
5 The men usually arrived at their camps malnourished and hungry. Otis Miller was one example. He came from a large family of sharecroppers who lived on one rabbit a day. Otis joined the CCC before he turned 16 years old. He described the men's situation as follows: "We were about 100 pounds when we arrived. It wasn't long before we gained 15 pounds apiece. You could eat a full meal there."
How did the men usually arrive at camp? How did this change when they were there? (paragraph 5)
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