5. Referring to the Great Lakes region representing the area in the red square, What type of front is moving down from Canada and what weather is associated with this type of front?

6. What type of precipitation is falling in the Great Lakes region and what temperatures would be required?

7. Using the available data, what type of weather and possible precipitation would you predict for Chicago, Illinois on Wednesday, Feb 16th, 2022 and why?

8. What was the most difficult part of making the forecast?

Help pls

17 answers

Whats the answers?!
bruh we need answers
just the answers guys?!
anyone got a answer key
Im awating answers (mind ) (spelling) but common
hello anyone know answers
look it up?
its me Anonymous
Anonymous can we just have the answers
can we cmon i have to complete this portfolio and it seems im dealing with drooling babies
i need to turn this in at 10 30 cmon
out of 508 people not 1 person has the answers
Correction … not 1 person will help you cheat!
5 . A red line with half-circles on one side signifies a warm front. A warm front shows the leading edge of warmer air trying to replace a colder air mass.
answer : warm front

Answer :163.83 inches

8. predicting revenue

and 7 i dont know the answer
pls help guys
@Anon Really?…
It’s not cheating it’s called “HELPING” :)
Get it? HELPING.
What’s with people saying it’s cheating “YoU GuYs ArE ChEaTinG” Dude, this is helping.