5. Read the following passage from “The Snake Chief”:

Now in that part of Africa it was unheard of for a bride to go to her wedding without a host of friends and relations all singing and dancing for joy. So the father was astonished when his daughter said she would go alone, even though he knew she had been proud and headstrong even from childhood.
“But my daughter,” he pleaded, “no woman ever goes alone to her marriage. It is not the custom.”
“Then I shall start a new custom,” said the girl. “Unless I go alone, I shall not go at all.”
At last the father, realizing that no amount of persuasion would induce the girl to change her mind, agreed to her going alone, and early the next morning she set out. He took her across the river and pointed out the way, then returned home unhappily.
Which of the following best describes the father’s internal conflict? (1 point)

A. He has tried to convince his daughter to follow tradition, but she will not give in. His daughter is winning the conflict.
B. He is afraid he will look weak in front of his village if he allows his daughter to go alone to her wedding.
C. He is in an argument with his daughter about her desire to go alone to her wedding.
D. He wants his daughter to follow tradition, but knows she is headstrong. He must decide whether to allow her to ignore the traditions of their village

1 answer

Yes, D.