5.imagine you are at the beach on a very hot day. you walk toward the water. the sand is eextremly hot. when you reach the water, you find that the water is much cooler than sand.

a) using the term heat capacity, explain why the sand is hot and water is cool

b)predict what the air temprature would be relative to the sand and water temp..
explain your thinking using the term heat capacity.

pleasssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! helpme please

3 answers

Heat is stored in masses. How much heat depends on the temperature change, and the heat capacity. Things like water have very high heat capacity, so that if solar energy impinges, the temperature of the water does not change much. On the other hand, sand, and air, do not have high heat capacity, so their temperature fluctuates greatly if energy impinges on them.
i ddn't get for "b"
can you tell me a site