Micah does not want to train because he has a lot going on at school.
[5] I stumbled down to the car where Rose was already buckled in and Dad was gobbling down an energy bar. “Gotta fuel up,” he said in between bites. “Want one, Micah?”
“No, I just need to wake up,” I said. “Why is it still dark? Is this even legal? You think this is fun?”
“Of course it’s fun,” Rose chimed in. “Don’t you know that exercise first thing in the morning is one of the healthiest things you can do? I heard it on a podcast… ” I stopped listening as soon as she said “podcast." She could be such a know-it-all sometimes.
As we drove to the start of the race, I closed my eyes and tried to think about my strategy. Both Dad and Rose had been bugging me for weeks about training for the Turkey Trot 5K. Dad jogged every morning, and my sister was on the track team. So it wasn’t like either of them needed to train for the race. Which made it even more unbearable when they wouldn’t stop talking about the importance of training for endurance and building stamina. They prattle on about pacing yourself and ways to prevent your muscles from cramping up. So finally, I agreed to train, if only to get some peace and quiet.
[10] I, of course, intended on training, but I was in middle school now. I had my friends, a crush to impress, chess club, newspaper club, and homework every night — in other words, I was busy! I told my dad I had been running every day after school, crossing it off the 30-day training plan he had printed out for me, but honestly, I only did a few days of running. I had to run a mile in gym class just last week and did okay, I reasoned, so how hard could three miles be?
Question 2
Micah does not want to train because he
(1 point)
thinks his friends will laugh at him.
thinks his friends will laugh at him.
has too many chores at home.
has too many chores at home.
runs on the school track team.
runs on the school track team.
has a lot going on at schoo
3 answers
“C’mon, let’s get a good spot,” Rose said, nudging me with her elbow.
Dad gave me an encouraging high five. Then he hugged us both together tightly and started getting all sentimental. “Oh, my little turkeys,” he warbled, “growing up so fast.”
“Okay, Dad, sure,” Rose said, patting him on the arm. “Let’s just get to the front — we don’t want to be stuck in the back with the walkers.”
It wasn’t long after we claimed our spot that the announcer came on with the countdown.
“THREE!” boomed the announcer. Dad tried to compete with the volume of the loudspeaker. “See y’all at the — ”
“ — finish line!” Dad yelled.
[20] “ONE!” I tugged the turkey hat on tight.
Rose, poised in perfect form, plugged in her Airpods and was off with the crowd. Dad found some of the other neighborhood dads he ran with and joined them, probably talking about all of the boring dad things. He tried to wave me over to them, but I was determined to run on my own.
The first half mile passed without incident. I just kept putting one foot in front of the other. I felt pretty great and surprisingly less tired. I hated to admit it, but maybe Rose had been right about exercise in the morning.
[25] The water station at mile one was a welcome but brief stop, since I didn’t feel like I needed much rest. Scanning the crowd, I saw that I was keeping pace with a lot of other participants. Maybe I was meant to be a runner after all — maybe I’d even beat my sister to the finish line!
The streets blurred together, and I started to understand why Dad and Rose liked t
Question 3
When the race first starts, Micah feels
(1 point)
surprised that he enjoys running.
surprised that he enjoys running.
tired because he has not practiced.
tired because he has not practiced.
sad that he is not swimming instead.
sad that he is not swimming instead.
alone because his family runs faster than him.
When the race first starts, Micah feels surprised that he enjoys running.