5. Blueshift is observed when

1 point
a luminous object travels alongside an observer
a distant luminous object travels rapidly towards an observer
a distant luminous object travels rapidly away from an observer
a luminous object is stationary compared to an observer
6. As evidence supporting the Big Bang Theory, what does the redshift of light from galaxies indicate?
2 points
the universe is mainly hydrogen
the universe is 13.8 billion years old
the universe is expanding
the universe is cooling off
7. Which is a characteristic of dark matter?
1 point
it does not interact with baryonic matter
it has not been observed directly.
it interacts with electromagnetic radiation.
humans can see it
8. Which statement is INCORRECT about Cosmic Microwave Background radiation?
2 points
its temperature is uniform.
it consists of electromagnetic radiation that is a remnant of the Big Bang.
It appears uniformly across the universe.
it appeared only a few years ago
9. Which statement is part of the Big Bang Theory?
2 points
the universe began as a very high density singularity
Small spiral galaxies become larger elliptical galaxies
Dark matter makes up the majority of matter in the galaxy.
The chemical makeup of the universe has changed dramatically
10. Which statement is correct about nuclear FISSION?
1 point
Nuclear fission only occurs in stars.
Nuclear fission occurs when two atoms slam together to form one, heavier atom
nuclear fission occurs in the nuclei of atoms
nuclear fission is commonly fueled by iron
11. Which statement is TRUE about nuclear FUSION?
1 point
Nuclear fusion only releases a small amount of energy.
Nuclear fusion occurs when two atoms slam together to form one, heavier atom
Nuclear fusion is used to provide electricity at nuclear power plants
Nuclear fusion is when atoms split apart
12. Which is evidence for the existence of dark energy?
1 point
galaxies that are rotating at a constant rate
Pulsars that seem to be moving closer at an accelerating rate
Black holes that are expanding at a constant rate
Supernovae that are moving away at an accelerating rate
13. Which characteristic is shared by both dark matter and baryonic matter?
1 point
They both have gravity
They both are capable of absorbing light
They both interact with each other
They both have been directly observed by scientists
14. Which statement below does NOT fit the model of the Big Bang and the subsequent changes in the universe?
2 points
The universe was denser previously than it is now.
The universe was hotter previously than it is now.
The galaxies are moving closer together as time progresses.
The universe is continuing to expand, even after the Big Bang.
15. What the definition of dark energy?
1 point
Energy that humans cannot observe directly
Energy that has a small effect on the universe
Energy characterized by black and dark gray colors
Energy that is only emitted by glowing nebulae.

1 answer

5. a distant luminous object travels rapidly towards an observer
6. the universe is expanding
7. it does not interact with baryonic matter
8. it appeared only a few years ago
9. the universe began as a very high density singularity
10. nuclear fission occurs in the nuclei of atoms
11. Nuclear fusion is used to provide electricity at nuclear power plants
12. Supernovae that are moving away at an accelerating rate
13. They both have gravity
14. The galaxies are moving closer together as time progresses.
15. Energy that humans cannot observe directly