5. Ask the following questions, when analyzing an argument:

● Relevance: ________________________________

● Reliability: _______________________________
● Accuracy: ________________________________
● Bias: ____________________________________
● Sufficiency: _______________________________
● Representative Sample: ______________________

1 answer

Relevance: Does the argument directly address the topic or issue at hand? Is the evidence provided related to the argument being made?

Reliability: Can the information or sources used in the argument be trusted? Are they reputable and reliable? Is there any reason to doubt the accuracy or validity of the information provided?

Accuracy: Is the information presented in the argument factual and accurate? Are there any errors or inconsistencies in the data or evidence provided?

Bias: Is there any bias or personal opinion present in the argument? Does the author present a balanced perspective or are they promoting a certain agenda or viewpoint?

Sufficiency: Is there enough evidence or reasoning provided to support the argument being made? Are there any gaps in the logic or missing information that would weaken the argument?

Representative Sample: Does the argument rely on a sample or study that is representative of the larger population or relevant group? Is the sample size sufficient and is it a true representation of the group being discussed?