4gm of NaOH can be neutralised by?

1) 100ml of 1N HCl
2) 200ml of N/2 H2SO4
3) 1000ml of N/10 KOH
4) 2000 ml of M/20 H3PO4

3 answers

4g NaOH = 0.10 eqv. Wt.

If Eqv Wt Acid = Eqv Wt Base then => Neutralization

Choices 1,2 & 4 are all 0.10 eqv wt.
Therefore, 1,2 & 4 will neutralize 0.10 eqv wt NaOH.

Eqv Wt = Normality x Volume in Liters

Choice 3 is also a strong alkali base. Base + Base => NO Rxn.
In this question, the options are given below and in those only 1 and 2 options are only correct.