You must use brackets to establish the correct order of operation.
According to your steps, the question was:
(48x + 32y)/32
= 48x/32 + 32y/32
= 3x/2 + y
you have the correct answer.
<Also 25a + 5b + 15c/10
would I be correct to divide by 5?>
yes, but again you will need brackets.
The way you typed it, only the 15c is divided by 10
(25a + 5b + 15c)/10
= 5(5a + b + 3c)/10
= (5a + b + 3c)/2
= 5a/2 + b/2 + 3c/2
either answer is correct.
48x + 32y/32
I have 48x/32 & 32y/32 = 3x/2 + 2y/2 = 3x/2 + y
Am I working this correctly?
Also 25a + 5b + 15c/10
would I be correct to divide by 5?
2 answers
You are correct