438 divided by 6 in long division

1 answer

To divide 438 by 6 using long division, follow these steps:

  1. Set up the division: Place 438 under the long division bar and 6 outside.
6 | 438
  1. Divide the first digit: Look at the first digit of 438 (which is 4). Since 6 cannot go into 4, consider the first two digits (43):

    • How many times does 6 go into 43? It goes 7 times (because 6 x 7 = 42).
  2. Multiply and subtract: Write 7 above the division bar and then multiply 7 by 6:

6 | 438
    -42    (this is 6 x 7)
  1. Bring down the next digit: Now, bring down the next digit of 438, which is 8. You now have 18.
6 | 438
  1. Divide again: How many times does 6 go into 18? It goes exactly 3 times (because 6 x 3 = 18).

  2. Multiply and subtract again: Write 3 above the division bar next to the 7, multiply, and subtract:

6 | 438
    -18    (this is 6 x 3)
  1. Final result: Since there's no remainder, the division is complete. The quotient is 73.

So, 438 divided by 6 is 73.

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