4. Which principle of art would you be commenting on if you told a friend that she arranged the elements in her drawing in an interesting way?

A) balance
B) harmony
C) proportion
D) unity

5. Which principle of art would you be experiencing if your eye was focused on one spot in a drawing?
A) emphasis
B) movement
C) rhythm
D) variety

6. Which principle of art would you use if you wanted to add interest by including contrasts to your drawing?
A) emphasis
B) movement
C) rhythm
D) variety

1 answer

  1. If you told your friend that she arranged the elements in her drawing in an interesting way, you would be commenting on A) balance.

  2. If your eye was focused on one spot in a drawing, you would be experiencing A) emphasis.

  3. If you wanted to add interest by including contrasts in your drawing, you would use D) variety.