4. Which of the following is not a reason why an early childhood teacher would choose to use a virtual field

trip over live, hands-on experience?
A. The teacher doesn't like leaving the classroom.
B. The location is too far away.
C. The actual trip would be too expensive.
D. It wouldn't be safe to take the children to a particular place.
Answer D
5. Which of the following statements about children and computers is incorrect?
A. A child can't use a computer as a learning tool until he or she is able to read.
B. Some day care providers begin computer-assisted instruction with children as young as two years old.
C. Today, many children begin using computers in preschool or day care.
D. When they're using computers, children can control the speed and level at which they work.
Answer D
7. Which of the following statements about children and computers is incorrect?
A. To be effective, a child's computer learning experiences must be planned and supervised.
B. At a day care center, computer time should be scheduled like any other activity.
C. During children's first computer sessions, it's best to let them turn on the computer and start software programs themselves.
D. A good time to have young toddlers work on computers is after they've taken a nap.
Answer D

13. Which of the following statements about children and computers is correct?
A. Children who are introduced to computers at a very young age will be better prepared for school in the future.
B. Parents are seldom willing to pay more for their child to attend day care centers that provide computer-assisted instruction.
C. Computers are generally too expensive for most day care centers to afford.
D. Today, very few educators and teachers are full supporters of computer-based learning
Answer A

15. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
A. Modern children's software is self-teaching, which means it's really easy to use.
B. Most day care providers start with one, two, or three computers, and buy more when they can.
C. Many encyclopedias and dictionaries are available online and on CD-ROM.
D. It's very difficult for a novice to set up and operate a computer.
Answer D

Can someone check these answer's for me.

5 answers

Wow! How did you do this? All of your answers are wrong except for 15.
Thanks for checking them reworking on them right now.
I think your answer to 4 is correct. I misread the question. (Darn these negative questions!)
The answer 's to

Are these answer's correct
Yes. Your answers are correct now.
