4. Which of the following elements and principles are NOT shown in this art piece? (A view of Muhlendamm By Johann Friedrich Stock)
A. Line and texture
B. Proportion in many areas
C. Geometric Shape
D. Radial balance ***
7. This artist most obviously showed experimentation through his use of? (Haystacks in Brittany By Paul Gauguin)
A. Perspective.
B. Texture. ***
C. Color.
D. Line
10. How was proportion used in this image? (Achille De Gas in the Uniform of a Cadet)
A. To create a mood of tranquility
B. To create an optical illusion
C. To create a sense of perspective in the image
D. TO make sure the person was drawn correctly****
5 answers
I think 7 is A
Sorry. I don't know these works. =(
it's ok, I'm pretty positive about everything except 7 =)
Never mind I got a 9/10 :)
7 was C - color
7 was C - color
no its not