4. The data below are from an independent-measures experiment comparing three different treatment conditions.

Treat. 1 Treat 2 Treat 3
0 1 4
0 4 3 G=24
0 1 6
2 1 3 Ó X² = 92
T=2 T=6 T=16
SS=3 SS=9 SS=6

Use an analysis of variance with á of .05 to determine whether these data indicate any significant differences among the treatments.

Source SS df MS F

1 answer

Here are a few hints to help you fill in your ANOVA table:

SS total = SS between + SS within

To calculate df between:
k - 1
Note: k = number of levels.

To calculate df within:
N - k
Note: N = total number of values in all levels.

df total = df between + df within

To calculate MS between:
SS between/df between

To calculate MS within:
�SS within/df within

To calculate F-ratio:
MS between/MS within

I hope this will help. It looks like you already have the values needed to do the calculations for each of your groups. Remember to check the appropriate table for your critical value to compare to your F-ratio. Once you do the comparison, you will either fail to reject the null or you will reject the null. You can then form your conclusions.