4 Passing through the dead town of Schellbourne last month, I asked one of the few lingering inhabitants why the town was built. "For the mines," he replied. "And why were they abandoned?" I asked. "Are they exhausted?" "Oh, no," he replied, "they are not exhausted; on the contrary, they have never been worked at all, for unfortunately, just as we were about ready to open them, the Cherry Creek mines were discovered across the valley in the Egan range, and everybody rushed off there, taking what they could with them -- houses, machinery, and all " Why was the town of Schellbourne built, and why was it abandoned? (paragraph 4)

1 answer

The town of Schellbourne was built for the purpose of mining, as indicated by the lingering inhabitant's response. However, it was abandoned because, just before the mines were set to be opened, the discovery of more lucrative mining opportunities at the Cherry Creek mines across the valley led to a mass exodus. People left Schellbourne for Cherry Creek, taking with them their houses, machinery, and other belongings, which left Schellbourne ultimately unworked and deserted.