Whether or not the detail about the Virgin Galactic ship crash belongs in the text depends on the context and purpose of the text.
If the text is specifically about the history or safety record of Virgin Galactic, then including this detail would be relevant. It provides important information about a specific incident involving the company's spacecraft, which could be important for readers to understand the full context.
However, if the text is not directly related to Virgin Galactic's safety record or specific incidents, and the focus is on other aspects of the company or a different topic entirely, then this detail may not be necessary. In this case, it could be considered as an extra or unrelated detail that may distract from the main purpose of the text.
In summary, the inclusion of the detail about the Virgin Galactic ship crash depends on the relevance to the main topic or purpose of the text.
4.) In 2014, a Virgin Galactic ship crashed, killing the co-pilot and injuring the pilot. Does this detail belong in the text? Why or why not?
1 answer