How many millimoles of NaCl do you need? That's mL x M = 250 mL x 0.050 M = 12.5 millimoles or 0.0125 moles NaCl.
How many millimoles of Na2HPO4 do you need? That's 250 mL x 0.010 M = 2.50 millimoles or 0.00250 mols Na2HPO4.
Convert moles to grams. g = mols x molar mass = ? g for NaCl and ? g for Na2HPO4. Weigh these amounts of NaCl and Na2HPO4, place those weighed amounts in a 250 mL volumetric flask, add some DI water, swirl until all is dissolved, add DI water to the mark on the flask, stopper, mix thoroughly, label.
4. How would you prepare a solution containing 50mM NaCl (mwt = 58.5g/mol) and 10mM Na2HPO4 (358.057 g/mol) in a final volume of 250ml?
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