4. Based on the roots, prefixes, and suffixes that you learned in the unit, come up with five medical words and explain their meaning based on the combination of root, prefix, and suffix used. These can be real or made up medical terms, but your breakdown and explanation of the meaning must be accurate.

1 answer

1. Cardiopulmonary - card(io)- (heart) + pulm(on)- (lung) + -ary (related to) = relating to the heart and lungs.

2. Dermatitis - derm- (skin) + -itis (inflammation) = inflammation of the skin.

3. Neurology - neur(o)- (nerve) + -logy (study of) = the study of nerves and the nervous system.

4. Osteoporosis - oste(o)- (bone) + por(os)- (porous) + -osis (condition) = a condition characterized by weak, brittle bones.

5. Hepatomegaly - hepat(o)- (liver) + -megaly (enlargement) = enlargement of the liver.