4. (a) What methods did big railroads use to win and keep business?

(b) How did these practices affect small businesses and farmers?

Please help me with this question.

4 answers

In the early days of railroads in the U.S., the big railroads bought out the small railroads. They expanded and did anything to make bigger and bigger profits. These railroads laid their tracks where they wanted, regardless of the needs of farmers and ranchers. Ranches were divided so that it was difficult for the cattle to have free range.

For more information, read this site.

"These railroads laid their tracks where they wanted, regardless of the needs of farmers and ranchers. Ranches were divided so that it was difficult for the cattle to have free range."

Does that answered for the second part of the question?

BTW - Thank you for the info.
Yes. Also -- the railroads were able to charge high prices for shipping products so that small businesses were often hurt or driven out of business.

You're welcome.
Thank You! :)