Chimamanda's non-verbal communication in this scenario is ineffective. Nodding her head may indicate that she is listening, but it does not convey any specific response or understanding of Dorothea's feelings. Additionally, the fact that she does not respond before Dorothea angrily demands an apology suggests a lack of assertiveness in her own communication.
Dorothea may believe that she handled herself assertively and confidently, but I would disagree. Assertiveness and confidence involve clear and direct communication without resorting to anger or demands. In this scenario, Dorothea's anger and demand for an apology could be seen as aggressive and may not lead to a productive resolution of the situation. It would be more effective for Dorothea to calmly express her feelings and allow Chimamanda the opportunity to respond before escalating the situation.
4.2. 2nd Scenario:
Chimamanda listens and nods her head. Before she can respond; Dorothea angrily raises her voice and demands an apology.
Evaluate Chimamanda’s non-verbal communication. Is it effective or ineffective? Why?
Dorothea believes that she handled herself assertively and confidently. Do you agree or disagree? Provide reasons.
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