4.16.6 - Portfolio Item: Research Paper Final Draft

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Title: The Effects of Social Media on Mental Health

Social media is an integral part of our daily lives, but it has been found to have negative effects on mental health. Research has shown that social media can cause feelings of anxiety, depression, and contribute to low self-esteem. In this research paper, I will explore the various ways in which social media affects mental health and suggest ways we can mitigate these negative effects.

One of the ways social media negatively affects mental health is through the creation of unrealistic expectations regarding body image. Social media platforms are filled with images of flawless models with perfect bodies. This can lead to pressure and dissatisfaction with one's own body, thereby causing anxiety and depression. Social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook have also been linked to low self-esteem and higher rates of anxiety and depression. This is because these platforms create a comparison culture where people compare their lives to others, leading to a feeling of inadequacy.

Another significant way social media affects mental health is through online harassment and bullying. Social media allows people to hide behind anonymous profiles leading to anonymity to bully or harass other people online. Cyberbullying has psychological effects and can lead to depression, anxiety, isolation, and even suicide. Furthermore, social media has created an environment where people feel the need to express their opinions on every matter. This has led to the creation of online trolls who seek to spread hate and negativity online while remaining anonymous.

Social media can also cause addiction, which can lead to severe mental health issues. Many individuals view social media as an outlet to relieve stress, anxiety, or pass the time. However, overuse of social media can lead to addiction, causing anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems. The blue light that is emitted from screens of electronic gadgets disrupts the natural sleep cycle resulting in poor sleep patterns which ultimately contributes to mood swings.

In conclusion, social media has various negative effects on mental health. It can lead to anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, cyberbullying, addiction, and many other mental health issues. Therefore, it is essential to take steps to mitigate these negative effects. Parents and guardians need to ensure that their children have proper exposure to social media. Adults should limit the amount of time they spend on social media, block certain words or topics that cause anxiety, and seek professional help if they feel overwhelmed. Social media companies should also take more responsibility for controlling the content on their platforms, including combating cyberbullying and online harassment. Eventually, the key is to use social media in moderation and try to be kinder when engaging online.