To simplify this division problem, we need to first factor both the numerator and denominator.
First, let's factor the numerator: 3x over x^2 + 10x + 24
Factor the denominator: x - 6 over x^2 - 36
Numerator: 3x
Denominator: x - 6
The given expression can be rewritten as: (3x) / [(x+4)(x+6) / (x-6) / [(x+6)(x-6)]
Now, we need to simplify the expression by multiplying by the reciprocal:
3x / [(x+4)(x+6)] * [(x-6) / (x+6)(x-6)]
This simplifies to: 3x / (x+4)
3x over x^2 +10x +24 divided by x-6 over x^2 -36
1 answer