To calculate the estimated current population of Harmony Corners based on the previous population of 6,500 and the percentage change from the unspecified chart, we need the specific percentage change value. Since you haven’t provided that, I can guide you on how to perform the calculation once the percentage change is known.
Convert the percentage change to a decimal: For example, if the percentage change is x%, convert it to decimal form: \( \text{Decimal} = \frac{x}{100} \).
Calculate the change in population: Multiply the decimal by the previous population: \[ \text{Change} = \text{Previous Population} \times \text{Decimal} \]
Calculate the current population: \[ \text{Current Population} = \text{Previous Population} + \text{Change} \]
For example, if the population decreased by 30%, then:
- Convert 30% to a decimal: \( 0.30 \).
- Calculate the change: \( 6,500 \times (-0.30) = -1,950 \).
- Calculate the current population: \( 6,500 - 1,950 = 4,550 \).
Please provide the percentage change for me to help with a specific calculation. Without that, I cannot definitively choose from the responses given.