To calculate the estimated current population of Harmony Corners based on the percentage change, we need the percentage change value, which seems to be missing from your question. However, I can show you how to compute the current population using a hypothetical percentage change.
Let’s denote the percentage change as \( p% \).
We can express the estimated current population as follows:
Convert the percentage change into a decimal: \( p/100 \).
Calculate the change in population: \( \text{Change in population} = 6,500 \times (p/100) \).
Add the change to the previous population (if the change is an increase) or subtract (if it’s a decrease):
\[ \text{Estimated Current Population} = 6,500 + \text{Change in population} \]
\[ \text{Estimated Current Population} = 6,500 - \text{Change in population} \]
If you provide the percentage change, I can help you calculate the estimated current population for Harmony Corners specifically.