Since 19.75 is about $20 and 39.50 is about $40
your answer is 1/2 or 50% of the original. So it looks like a decimal error.
5% = .05 , not .5 like you did
A quicker way would be to take 1.05(39.50) to get the actual answer, which I see in the list
&39.50 added 5% sales tax? I need help to this question. I keep getting $19.75, but none of my multi-choice question have that as an answer! :(
I want to say $37.95, but I reeeeeally keep getting $19.75! Help me please!!!
6 answers
39.5 * 1.05 = ?
When tax is added to the price, the result is more -- right?
When tax is added to the price, the result is more -- right?
Yes, that was where I was stuck Ms. Sue, I didn't know what I was doing wrong, thanks Reiny, Ms. Sue! :)
You're welcome.
Wait, the answer is $37.95 right.
Absolutely not! Try following directions and actually do some math!