Identify the sentence that uses numbers and abbreviations correctly. A. My professor assigned 5 homework problems.
B. One tbsp. equals fifteen milliliters.
C. 20 horses are in the field.
D. The main cave at Lascaux is called the Great Hall of Bulls: e.g., it has a picture of bulls and horses in many colors.
Okay. this one is a bit tricky for me. I know A and C are wrong due to the fact that they do not spell out the numbers. However, I am torn between B and D. I think B could be the right one because D looks like it put in a colon instead of another comma. I'm not entirely sure as to how this really works. If someone could explain this to me, I would really appreciate it!
3 answers
The correct one is D. It uses numbers and abbreviations correctly.
Ah, okay. The colon threw me off. Thanks for the help! I appreciate it!
You're welcome. :-)