#35. In two or three well-developed paragraphs, list the populations that are affected by ultriviolet light and identify the effects on each of these populations.
my answer:
There are four major populations that are affected by ultraviolet light. These include humans, amphibians, marine life, and land plants. There are also several effects of this on each of these populations. Some damaging effects of ultraviolet light on humans are increased incidence of skin cancer, and premature aging of the skin. It also increases incidence of cataracts, and weakens immune response. There are a few effects on amphibians as well. Some of these damaging effects include the death of eggs, and the genetic mutations among survivors. Another effect is reduction of populations. Death of phytoplankton in surface water is a major effect of UV light on marine life. A few others include disruption of food chain and reduction in the number of photosynthesizers. Land Plants have the fewest effects of UV light but they’re still there. They include interference with photosynthesis and reduced crop yields.
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