To order the given decimals and fractions in ascending numerical order, we need to convert all the numbers into a comparable format (decimals in this case).
Original Numbers:
- 119 (whole number)
- 116 (whole number)
- 1312 (whole number)
- 0.01 (decimal)
- 0.062 (decimal)
Converting Whole Numbers:
- 119 = 119.00
- 116 = 116.00
- 1312 = 1312.00
Now let's compare the numbers:
- 0.01 (which is 0.01)
- 0.062 (which is 0.062)
- 116 (which is 116)
- 119 (which is 119)
- 1312 (which is 1312)
Ascending Order:
Now we can organize them in ascending order:
- 0.01
- 0.062
- 116
- 119
- 1312
Final Answer:
0.01, 0.062, 116, 119, 1312
From the options provided, the closest appropriate response is: 0.01, 0.062, 119, 116, 1312 (but note that there is a slight arrangement issue with 116 and 119 in that option). The correct order based on numerical value is as given above.