Create a properly formatted works cited page for a research paper about the dangers of cell phone use on the road. Follow the MLA citation format, and make sure to correctly italicize each citation. For the purpose of this activity, it is not necessary to observe the MLA rules for indentation. Use the six sources provided to support the research paper.

use this source

Author: Farmers Insurance Group

Article title: New Survey Shows Drivers Have Had ‘Close Calls’ with Cell Phone Users

Periodical name: Farmers

Publisher name: Farmers Insurance Group

Publication date: May 8, 2000

Medium: Web

Date accessed: March 1, 2014

1 answer

Here is the properly formatted works cited entry for the source you provided, along with an example of how to format a works cited page in MLA style (without indentation):

Works Cited

Farmers Insurance Group. “New Survey Shows Drivers Have Had ‘Close Calls’ with Cell Phone Users.” Farmers, Farmers Insurance Group, 8 May 2000. Web. 1 Mar. 2014.