To express the number 7,803,100 in the form of a single digit times an integer power of 10, you can follow these steps:
- Identify the first non-zero digit: In this case, the first non-zero digit is 7.
- Determine the power of 10 by counting how many places the decimal point must move to convert 7 into 7,803,100. The decimal will move 6 places to the left (from 7 to 7.803100).
- Therefore, you can express 7,803,100 as \( 7.8031 \times 10^6 \).
Now, to round 7,803,100 to the nearest place value:
- The first digit (7) remains, and you round to the nearest integer, meaning you can express it as \( 7.8 \times 10^6 \) (assuming rounding to the nearest tenths place).
However, if you prefer to round to a single digit, you can simply round it to 8, leading to:
\[ 8 \times 10^6 \]
Thus, the final answer in standard scientific notation rounded to a single digit times an integer power of 10 is:
\[ 8 \times 10^6 \]