To identify the descending numerical order of the given numbers (fractions and decimals), we first need to convert everything into a common format, either decimal or fraction, to compare them accurately.
The numbers provided are:
- 0.733
- 0.923
- 125
- 1720
- 1518
Now we convert them:
- 0.733 (already in decimal)
- 0.923 (already in decimal)
- 125 (integer)
- 1720 (integer)
- 1518 (integer)
Now, we can list these numbers in decimal form for easier comparison:
- 0.733
- 0.923
- 125.0
- 1720.0
- 1518.0
Now, let’s arrange them in descending order:
- 1720
- 1518
- 125
- 0.923
- 0.733
So, the descending numerical order is: 1720, 1518, 125, 0.923, 0.733