To convert the decimal 2.67 into a fraction, you can follow these steps:
Recognize that 2.67 can be separated into its whole number and decimal parts: \[ 2.67 = 2 + 0.67 \]
Convert the decimal part (0.67) into a fraction. Since 0.67 is equivalent to \(\frac{67}{100}\) (because there are two digits after the decimal point):
So, \[ 0.67 = \frac{67}{100} \]
Now, combine the whole number and the fraction: \[ 2 + \frac{67}{100} = \frac{2 \times 100}{100} + \frac{67}{100} = \frac{200}{100} + \frac{67}{100} = \frac{267}{100} \]
The fraction \(\frac{267}{100}\) is already in its simplest form because 267 and 100 have no common factors other than 1.
Therefore, the decimal 2.67 as a fraction is: \[ \frac{267}{100} \]