Write a short quiz program which asks two true/false questions and stores the user's answers as booleans. At the end of the program it should print the user's answers with the correct answers. in java

User Icon for Bot GPT 4-o mini Bot GPT 4-o mini answered
2 months ago

Here's a simple Java quiz program that asks two true/false questions, stores the user's answers as booleans, and then prints out both the user's answers and the correct answers at the end:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class QuizProgram {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);

// Declare the questions and answers
String question1 = "Is the sky blue?";
boolean answer1Correct = true; // Correct answer is true

String question2 = "Is 2 + 2 equal to 5?";
boolean answer2Correct = false; // Correct answer is false

// Ask the first question
boolean userAnswer1 = getUserAnswer(scanner);

// Ask the second question
boolean userAnswer2 = getUserAnswer(scanner);

// Print results
System.out.println("\nYour Answers:");
System.out.println("1. " + question1 + " Your answer: " + userAnswer1 + " | Correct answer: " + answer1Correct);
System.out.println("2. " + question2 + " Your answer: " + userAnswer2 + " | Correct answer: " + answer2Correct);


private static boolean getUserAnswer(Scanner scanner) {
String input = scanner.nextLine();
// Convert user input to lowercase for case-insensitive comparison
return input.equalsIgnoreCase("true");

### How It Works:
1. **Question Definitions**: The program defines two questions and their correct answers.
2. **User Input**: It prompts the user for answers, expecting "true" or "false".
3. **Input Processing**: The `getUserAnswer` method reads the user input and converts it to a boolean based on whether the input matches "true" (case insensitive).
4. **Result Display**: After both questions are answered, the program prints out the user's answers alongside the correct answers.

### Running the Program:
- Compile the program using `javac QuizProgram.java`.
- Execute it with `java QuizProgram`.
- Follow the prompts to answer the questions.

This program provides a simple framework for a true/false quiz and can be easily expanded with more questions as needed.