3. You are sliding a big cabinet down a truck ramp for a customer. You must maintain control of the cabinet because it is very heavy. There are 2 ramps in the building.
The equation of ramp 1 is y = 2x + 7 and the equation of ramp 2 is y = 3 x + 7. Which is the safest ramp to slide the cabinet down without losing control and why?
Y=3x+7 is the safer one because it has a smaller slope.
*Is this corrrect.?
the lower slope has the lower coefficent of x.
What.?Can you tell me what is wrong.?
THINK. No, I wont tell you whether 2 or 3 is amaller. Good grief.
i need help to learn what y=2/3x-12 (when x=-18)