Assuming that the number we are loading into AL is stored in a memory location labeled "number":
MOV AL, [number] ; Load AL with the arbitrary number
MOV BL, 01H ; Set BL to 01H
MOV CL, 0 ; Set CL to 0
SHR AL, 1 ; Shift AL one bit to the right
JC PARITY_ODD ; If the least significant bit is 1, jump to PARITY_ODD
INC CL ; Increment CL
CMP CL, 8 ; Compare CL to 8 (the number of bits in a byte)
JL PARITY_LOOP ; If CL is less than 8, jump back to PARITY_LOOP
MOV DX, 80H ; Set DX to 80H
MOV DX, BL ; Set DX to 01H
MOV AL, 0 ; Clear AL
MOV OUT 0, DX ; Output DX to Port 0
RET ; Return from subroutine
To convert the assembly code to machine code, we can use an online assembler or use a tool like NASM. The resulting machine code will vary depending on the assembler used. Once we have the machine code, we can enter it into the 8086 trainer and run the program.
3) Write an assembly program that:
Load AL by an arbitrary number, if there is parity even, transfer 80H to the Port 0, and if there is parity odd, transfer 01H to the Port 0.
Convert your assembly code to machine code and enter the program into the 8086 trainer.
1 answer