3.Write a query to display the annual salary of all employees in department_id 20. Display the names in increasing order or salary.
4.Write a query to display the average salary of employees. Label the column as ' Average Salary.
5.Write a query to display the details of employees in the shipping' department who were hired after '01-JAN 1990' note that the query must use a join.
6.Write a query to display all unique department_id's in the employees table.
7.Write a query to display the detail of employees whose names start with 'A' and are in any one of the following departments; 20, 60, 100.
8.Write a query to display the employee last name, email, phone_number, hire_date, and department_name of all employees who earn a commission.
9.Write a query to find the earliest hire_date in each department in the Employees table.
10.Write a query to display the name, salary, department_name and job_title of all employees whose salary is greater than $10.000
2 answers