3. What theme is suggested by the repetition of the line “I am American?”
A. Americans are more alike than they are different.
B. America is a country that struggles to understand its identity.
C. Americans come from many different backgrounds. Americans come from many different backgrounds.
D. America is a place where people can discover their true selves.
4. Which details in the text connect to the subject of Americans working hard at difficult jobs? Select the two correct answers.
A. Max Littlefield’s ancestors using a scuff in the dirt to find deer to hunt
B. Ty Smith’s ancestors growing cotton from sun-up to sun-down
C. Bethany McLaughlin’s ancestors laying streetcar tracks
D. Juanita Ramirez’s family struggling to obtain citizenship
E. Shana Bloomstein’s ancestors fleeing attacks
5. What themes are suggested in the second part of the play, in which characters make very short, overlapping speeches? Select the two correct answers.
A. Americans have such similar stories that they blend together.
B. There are many different paths to becoming American.
C. Most Americans came to the country hoping to get rich.
D. Many Americans do not know much about their family histories.
1 answer
B. There are many different paths to becoming American.