3 Vocabulary Terms - Define/Illustrate

Integer Exponent

Negative Integer Exponent Rule

How would you make ½ smaller?

1 answer

1. Integer Exponent: In mathematics, an integer exponent is a number that indicates the number of times a base should be multiplied by itself. For example, in 2^3, where 2 is the base and 3 is the integer exponent, it means that 2 should be multiplied by itself 3 times: 2 x 2 x 2 = 8.

2. Negative Integer Exponent Rule: It is a rule that governs the behavior of a number raised to a negative integer exponent. According to this rule, when a number is raised to a negative integer exponent, it is flipped and placed in the denominator as a reciprocal. For instance, 2^-2 would be equal to 1/2^2, which is equal to 1/4.

3. To make ½ smaller, one could multiply it by a fraction greater than 1. For example, if we multiply 1/2 by 2/2, we get 2/4, which is equivalent to 1/2 but in a smaller form. Another way to make it smaller would be to divide it by a whole number greater than 1. For instance, if we divide 1/2 by 2, we get 1/4, which is smaller than 1/2.