1. Before you add or subtract decimals, you must make sure that the decimal points line up properly. If necessary, add zeros as placeholders.
2. Steps to changing the power of 10 in scientific notation (SN):
- Move the decimal point to create a number between 1 and 10.
- Count the number of places the decimal point moved.
- For a positive exponent, move the decimal point to the right that many times; for a negative exponent, move it to the left.
3. Words that tell you to subtract: minus, decrease, reduce, diminish, take away.
4. Population of NY = 2.4 x 10^7
Population of Oregon = 4 x 10^5
Difference in population = (2.4 x 10^7) - (4 x 10^5) = 2.36 x 10^6 more people in NY than Oregon.
A. 6 x 10^4 - 8 x 10^2 = 5.92 x 10^4
B. 6 x 10^4 - 0.08 x 10^4 = 5.92 x 10^4
In problem 4, the answers are the same, showing that subtracting 8 x 10^2 and 0.08 x 10^4 results in the same value in scientific notation.
6. It seems like you are proficient in solving problems involving decimals and scientific notation. If you have any specific questions or need help with a different topic, please let me know.
3 Vocabulary Terms - Define/Illustrate
Before you add or subtract decimals, what must you do?
Steps to changing the power of 10 in SN:
Words that tell you to subtract:
5 Problems - SHOW ALL WORK!
In 2012, the population of NY was about 2.4 x 10^7 and the population of Oregon was 4 x 10^5.
How many more people live in NY than in Oregon?
4.29 x 10^6 - 1.68 x 10^6=
5.08 x 10^-4 - 3.12 x 10^-5=
A. 6 x 10^4 - 8 x 10^2=
B. 6 x 10^4 - 0.08 x 10^4=
In problem 4, what do you notice between the two answers?
What do I need help with?
1 answer