3 types of radiation( i.e., invisible light)

1 answer

1. Gamma radiation: This type of radiation consists of high-energy photons that are emitted from atomic nuclei during radioactive decay or nuclear reactions. Gamma radiation is the most penetrating form of radiation and can easily pass through most materials, including several feet of concrete or several inches of lead.

2. X-ray radiation: X-rays are a form of high-energy electromagnetic radiation, with shorter wavelengths and higher frequencies than visible light. X-rays are produced by accelerating electrons at high speeds and forcefully colliding them with a metal target. They are commonly used in medical imaging and industrial applications.

3. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation: UV radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation with higher energy and shorter wavelength than visible light. It is naturally emitted by the sun and is responsible for tanning, sunburns, and skin aging. Extended exposure to UV radiation can also be harmful and increase the risk of skin cancer. UV radiation is also used in various industrial, scientific, and medical applications, such as disinfection and fluorescent imaging.