3. The Cold War
Use these sources to help you answer Question 3 below:
Secondary Source:
"The Cold War took place through competition in trade and diplomacy, or relations between nations. This competition among nations led to an arms race, through which the United States and the Soviet Union both tried to build up more and stronger weapons to defend against possible attacks. Many people across the world feared that these two nations would go to war and use nuclear weapons." (Unit 4 Lesson 2)
Primary Source:
Click the photo source link for a larger image: Boys building a bomb shelter (1952), Minnesota Historical Society
3. Based on what you learned from these two sources, why are these boys building a bomb shelter?
A. They are copying popular TV shows of the day, like Gilligan's Island.
B. Many Americans feared a nuclear attack from the Soviet Union and built bomb shelters for protection.
C. They are reenacting World War II battles.
3 answers