The individual rates are A=1/3, B=1/6 and C=1/9 pools per hour.
Their combined rate derives from
T = ABC/(AB + AC + BC).
Another version of this type of problem should show you its derivation.
It takes Al 5 hours to paint a shed, Ben 10 hours and Charlie 15 hours. How long would it take all three to paint the shed working together?
1--A can paint the shed in 5 hours.
2--B can paint the shed in 10 hours.
3--C can paint the shed in 15 hours.
4--A's rate of painting is 1 shed per A hours (5 hours) or 1/A (1/5) shed/hour.
5--B's rate of painting is 1 shed per B hours (10 hours) or 1/B (1/10) shed/hour.
6--C's rate of painting is 1 shed per C hours (15 hours) or 1/C (1/15 shed/hour.
7--Their combined rate of painting is therefore 1/A + 1/B + 1/C = (AC + BC + AB)/ABC = (1/5 + 1/10 + 1/15) = (11/30 sheds /hour.
8--Therefore, the time required for all of them to paint the 1 shed working together is 1 shed/(AC+BC+AB)/ABC sheds/hour = ABC/(AC+BC+AB) = 5(10)15/[5(15)+10(15)+5(10) = 30/11 hours = 2.7272 hours = 2hr-43min-38.18sec.
Note - The time required to complete a single "specific task" by three individuals working together, who can complete the task individually in A, B, and C units of time is ABC/(AC + BC + AB).
3 pipes are used to fill apool with water .Individually they can fill that pool in 9hr ,6hr ,3hr .how many minutes will it take to fill the pool if all 3 pipes are used simultaneously?
1 answer