3 issues facing Canada’s Fishing industry.

1 answer

1. Overfishing: The over-exploitation of fish and aquatic resources is a major concern facing Canada’s fishing industry. Overfishing can lead to the depletion of fish stocks and jeopardize the long-term sustainability of the industry. Inadequate monitoring and regulation can exacerbate the problem by allowing unsustainable practices to continue.

2. Environmental degradation: Pollution, habitat loss, and climate change are significant environmental issues that are impacting Canada’s fishing industry. Erosion of riverbanks, deforestation, and changes in marine ecosystems can impact the habitats and breeding patterns of fish, leading to declining populations. Environmental factors, such as warming waters and acidification, can also impact the quality and availability of fish habitats.

3. Market competition: Globalization has significantly changed the business environment for Canadian fishermen. They face competition from foreign fishing fleets and aquaculture operations, which can often operate at lower costs. This can lead to a decline in prices and demand for Canadian fish products and create challenges in exporting products to other markets. Additionally, recent trade disputes and tariffs can further exacerbate competition concerns.