3_ If the ammonia solution is added to the tin salt solution (2), what is the compound precipitated in white color?

4_ Which of the fifth group cations are present in the group reagents?

5_ If the hydrogen sulfide solution is added to the mercury salt solution (2) in an acidic environment, what is the color material precipitated?

6_What is the color of aqueous solutions of nickel?

7_ If the sodium carbonate solution is added to the mercury salt solution (2) in an acidic environment, what is the color of the precipitate?

8_Which group 3 cations form a white precipitate with the group reagent?

9_ cadmium sulfide precipitate, which substance is soluble?

10_Which group 3 cations will form a pink precipitate with the group reagent?

11_What is the color of the MnS precipitate?

1 answer

You need to help by answering some questions, What's the purpose of all of these questions?
2. To what does (2) refer to in some of those questions. If it another question you will need to furnish that information also.
3. With regard to color of solutions and ppts, have you not seen these? What's wrong with looking at these in the lab? What's wrong with look on Google for the colors?
4. With regard to group V, perhaps you could tell us what is your group V and what is the pptng agent used for group V?