Sure! In UTF-8, each character can be represented by one to four bytes. The English alphabet and common symbols are typically represented by a single byte, just like ASCII encoding.
Let's choose the word "élan" to spell using UTF-8. The character "é" requires two bytes in UTF-8. Here's how it would be represented:
é --> 11000011 10101001
The remaining characters, "l" and "n," are part of the ASCII range and thus require only one byte each. Here's how they would be represented:
l --> 01101100
n --> 01101110
So, the word "élan" can be represented in UTF-8 as:
11000011 10101001 01101100 01101110
3. Demonstrate your knowledge of UTF-8 (you can pause the video at 1:50 to help you with this): Write a three-letter word using UTF-8. Be sure to include the actual word you choose to spell.
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