3 ancient method of measuring length

1 answer

1. Cubit: The cubit was an ancient unit of length that was commonly used in many ancient civilizations, including the Egyptians, Babylonians, and Hebrews. It was based on the average length from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger, which roughly translates to about 45 centimeters or 18 inches.

2. Fathom: The fathom was an ancient unit of length used primarily for measuring depths in bodies of water. It was defined as the span of a fully outstretched arm, approximately 6 feet or 1.8 meters. This measurement was commonly used by sailors and fishermen.

3. Fingerbreadth: The fingerbreadth was a unit of length commonly used in ancient cultures to measure small distances. It was defined as the width of a finger at the knuckle joint, which is approximately 1.9 centimeters or 0.75 inches. This measurement was particularly useful in the construction of small objects or in precision craftsmanship.