This site shows how to multiply fractions.
Of course, you are right.
3/4 x 1/2 = 3/8 Need to write a word problem for this equation, and then my daughter has to draw a model to show the product. She doesn't believe that the equation I gave her is useable so I am turning to here.
Thank you!
4 answers
I didn't see how to turn that problem into a word problem on that page. Doesn't mean it's not there, I just didn't see it. She knows how to multiply the problem, it's coming up with a word problem that she can't see out of it. :)
A half a cake is sitting on the table. The kids come along and eat 3/4 of it. How much of the total cake did they eat?
Thank you so much, I had used something similar but with Pizza but apparently cake was more appealing when I explained it to her, so Thank you. Okay Now there is one that i can't even think of.........Write a Word Problem for..... 4/5 x 1/4 + 3/5 = 4/5 Sheesh! Any suggestions for me on this one?